Monday, January 30, 2023


His eyes were like water itself melting and dissolving like liquid snow or raindrops of ocean dreams.

And you met me after life itself had crushed my soul, I was this soulless body already, in complete despair... hopeless, full of childish lost dreams and empty of new wanderings...


While life was passing through my fingers, I thought at first glance, since the first time I saw you, during our first meeting that... you wouldn’t even be allowed to love me...or I wouldn't even be allowed to believe in anything why feeling in you, the ocean with my soul again?


But then... the days were passing by and children were still playing in the playground, flowers were still blossoming.. even though my soul felt pointless, empty…like a clock that is empty of purpose and does not go ahead anymore.

You kind of balanced me… in your held me with your oceanic arms and I was not me anymore… I was something beyond.


In the end of the day, everything was like in the end of times... You hugged me like I was this wisdom tree and you looked at me like I was deeper than life. Then I realized that our deep oceans could possibly blend.


Sunday, June 14, 2020


Eras o dia e a noite da minha vida,
trazias o dia a cada momento ao meu lado, quando me acolhias sendo eu teu passaro, quando me aparavas do relento, a vida tinha cor, tinha fantasia e musica,
apenas porque eu estava abrigada no teu calor,
mas as noites seguem sempre os dias, e a noite eras teu proprio corvo, eras toda a tua destruicao fumavas e nao paravas ate a noite deixar de ser e por ai ia ate o gosto dos teus labios acabarem nas ruas da noite, ate os teus labios e dedos ficarem frios nao paravas de fumar, como num furacao todas as noites seguidas dos nossos bons dias tu ias perdendo a tua propria identidade, 
com o passar dos dias, pensavas ser eu a responsavel pelos teus devaneios noturnos, porque ao esqueceres quem eras, esquecias quem eu era tambem.
E como? Como podia eu ainda a mim mesma culpar? 
Eu engolia o nosso amor, como quem esta sedenta de pao, eu amava cada parte tua mesmo as partes que nao gostava, como a solidao que me entregavas diariamente e me sufocava, a nossa relacao sempre foi a tres,
eras tu eu e os teus vicios da noite.

Com o passar dos dias a noite ia ganhando vida, com a minha aproximacao a ti, quanto mais eu amava-te mais tu me afastavas pelo amor a noite que te queria consumir, quanto mais eu amava-te mais te inspirava a dor de perder-te de ti proprio nao por mim, mas pelos espiritos da noite.
E eu dia a dia e todas as noites rezava, para que partisse o amor do meu peito, para que nao fosse maior do que eu a minha preocupacao para contigo, mas tu nao paravas, nao conseguias parar-te a ti proprio nem dar-me resposta sequer.

Porque a noite queria tambem ser tua compania, e quem era eu afinal, comparado com a forca de um luar? Quem era eu para querer ser tua? Quando os espiritos da noite, queriam possuir o teu corpo mesmo gelado? Mesmo depois do calor do dia estar dissipado, os espiritos nao ficavam satisfeitos, se desapareciam por umas horas, dizias me... desculpa.. mas eles voltavam sempre para nos assombrar... e o meu peito vivia assim dia a dia, sempre vazio, sempre a espera inutilmente do teu regresso limpo, do regresso de ti em mim completo.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

No abismo de nos mesmos nos encontramos, enquanto silenciosamente de nos mesmos nos perdiamos entre pequeno encontros que aos poucos iam se tornando longos e sem saida.

Eu ia aprendendo a amar os teus silencios, aprendi aos poucos a amar a tua presencas, o teu calor, os teus abracos.
Aos poucos eu aprendi a amar o teu jeito efemero de viver, a tua vida contente despreocupada de adolescente.

Todos os dias eram dias de sol ao teu lado. Tudo era Alegria, tudo era dadiva e juventude, e tu apenas trazias noticias boas para contar ate ao dia em que te vi que vi o teu anoitecer pela primeira vez.
Quando vi, que para ti nao havia anoitecer, para ti a noite era um momento de festejar e nao um momento para descansar. Ao anoitecer algo maior apodeirava-se de ti.
Nao eras tu, nem era eu.
E tu bebias e fumavas sem parar, enquanto la fora os passaros abrigavam se e protegiam se em silencio.
Tu, bebado, queria sempre mais, beber mais, fumar cada vez mais ate a madrugada sem dormir, os teus desejos nao tinham fim, eram o Mar das minhas lagrimas.

Eu perguntava no decorrer de todas as semanas em que a vida nos ia passando, porque...  Sempre as minhas perguntas eram seguidas pelos teus silencios.
E ao longo do tempo eu fui aprendendo a render me ao inevitavel. Nada do que eu fizesse podia parar a tua fome, os desejos que consumiam o teu corpo naquela periodicas noites.
Tentei pedir ajuda a tu a familia, tentei observar ao longe para ver se me podiam ajudar a parar as drogas de abusarem do teu corpo quente.
Implorei te que me houvisses e que parasses, mas as minhas suplicas eram paradas pela tua ira, ou eram ignoradas pelos abismos dos tempos e o vento empurrava a minha vontade em ajudar te contra o momento certo, contra a tua inconsciencia em acreditar e falta de vontade de mudar. Eu queria te dizer que a dor ia chegar, que ias ficar doente mas nao havia porto que abrigasse as minhas palavras.

E eu aos poucos ia me rendendo ao destino dos passaros do anoitecer.  Eu ia observando a noite consumir o teu corpo quente, eu ia sorrateiramente abrigando e protegendo as minha penas no calor da tua cama impaciente mas in capaz de ajudar te.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


From my loss I found you lost, in my neighborhood's street
On a rainy day my tears were messing out the floor while my hands where standing waiting for hope ignorant to other people's misery
I stopped and

With my tears I messed up my hair, while I was studying my souls lost case,
you found me when I was feeling cold in this strange place inside myself I was giving my life to strangers losing my own leaves

But my place was hidden, there was no me, I was putting myself inside a cage, blind only for you to see

From my loss I found you, looking for a place to hide, looking too above this life, while I was just expecting to survive,
my feet being too small for the ground underneath the sea.

and I looked inside your eyes, and I looked at my own hands, and there were nothing to give, and I,ve noticed for the first time that I was free when you lost your breath, when I had nothing to give, nothing to lose and my body was my own tree.

From you, I found my own loneliness, waiting to bury me,
From you I found in me this empty place where I could forget sadness that didn't belong to me
You were there, while I was hiding inside that lions eyes waiting to be free,
I escaped from your arms, waiting for the attack, feeling trapped,  just because you were there feeling too safe,
I was expecting an unexpected attack from a strange place,
I was expecting the trap that would happen next, so I moved like a lion with the fire by my own
and when it happened I knew it would,
as my body is that flame, my eyes are animals eyes, you wouldn't understand, too close for us to see
You would only disagree, there were no place for you as there were no place for me

And we were part of that bigger flame, being consumed by time.

Barriga cheia

Barriga Cheia
«De barriga cheia, eu registo momentos
Tenho a barriga cheia do que podem ser ideias
Que se mantém numa incessante fome que não passa
Fome dos que alguns chamam imaginação
Vivo ansiosa em dar, e ansioda em criar
Vivo ansiosa em manifestar o mais inquieto ser de mim
Desenho com letras, o meu melhor reflexo dum pincel
E quero contar aos versos os mais belos momentos que já vivi
Não preciso mais de argumentos sequer para escrever
O meu único motivo será manifestar todo o mais pequeno viver
Cumprir a mais pequena revelação das letras que surdas caem no papel
Perseguidas por acertos fugazes do tempo
E desfeitas por viajantes novidades do momento
Descobri nas letras o meu refúgio
Descobri ali o meu bem mais amado
Sendo que agora se mantém minha vontade de esquecer
Para que algo mais novo possa por mim vir a nascer
Encontro-me grávida de meus pontos de acentuação
E espero ansiosa o meu poema cansado chegar a casa
Vou contar-lhe insistentemente meus lamentos até ao entardecer
E deixar-me absorver em sua dor uma e outra vez
Deixando-me voar, sei que só poderei confiar em livros já escritos
Pois considerarei eles os mestres de todo o bom sonhador
E de meu saber, só uma certeza ficará
A certeza de que esse poema que chegou, meu nunca será»

Saturday, May 25, 2019

hold on

I am a wanderer but how can you travel when you cannot settle
I look I am sad but I am not sad I am senseless as the blowing wind
I am flesh and blood but my blood is always too warm burning the flesh that
lives inside me, it doesnt settle

If I love you, it is endless and sorry but I cant stop
When you leave, theres a hurricane in me and your place is now mine
Because I am yours and you are already part of me

I want to know everything but what I know will never be enough
I want to have faith but my faith was gone since the beginning of my life
hope is not a choice for me because I have no feeling but hopelessness
when i am by myself

My love for you is still there but the flame of passion burns my body
and I cannot control it
Because the wind is me when you are not here

I want to stop but my mind doesnt, I want to hold on
but my urge to scape is sometimes too strong,
if i give up i feel like running away
but when I give myself to you I dont lie, it is just that I am wind
You fly close to the sky, almost burning your wings on the sun
But when I fly I go deep to the oceans almost losing myself.

Your body likes a good fight but easily gets cold as dead and your personal
fights make me worry your life

Inside me we lose ourselves but I always survive because your smile makes me alive
You are always alive, you have the nature of fire, easily giving heat to my heart, always burning
And my wind keeps your fire alive,
so let me hold on, if I want to go

Monday, April 29, 2019

The benefits of Naturopathy in Cancer

Cancer is caracterized by the presence of different type of cells inside the human body.

Those cells, having differenciated DNA will have a differentiated form of expression in comparison to other normal cells inside the body. Their expression can be harmful because they can grow faster than normal cells, they can migrate to different body tissues and cause several health problems.

While those cells are rapidly growing in number they start spreading through blood circulation to specific organs.

Our immune system is normally able to recognise those strange cells and eliminate them before it is too late, however in some particular cases the immune system is not able to recognise those strange cells which can lead to  an uncontrolled increased in number of those cells inside the body.

Most types of cancer can have a positive prognosis, however conventional treatments seem not being able, alone, to erradicate or decrease the increase of number of cancers, and they seem not being able to prevent their recurrence.

In UK, for example, the number of new cases of cancer continues to rise and, in 2016, there were 303,135 cancers registered (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers); this is equivalent to 828 new cases being diagnosed each day during 2016.

Breast (15.2%), prostate (13.4%), lung (12.7%) and colorectal (11.5%) cancers continue to account for more than half of the cancer registrations in the UK.

Naturopathy is a holistic therapy based on the use of natural medicine therapies and it includes the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals. Naturopathy uses traditional medicine methods (for example, it uses  herbal treatments) but it doesn't exclude the advances of scientific research, as the use herbal treatments are gaining acceptance by the scientific community.

The use of Naturopathy and naturopathic treatments is growing around the world and one of the reasons for it is that it can be a safe option for cancer patients specially when it is monitorized by qualified practitioners, as scientific research has been proven. In those cases, naturopathic treatments can be used even together with conventional treatments increasing the health prognosis of those patients.

As showed in several studies, natural treatments can be used even in parallel with chemotherapy treatments increasing the survival of cancer patients. The importance of the presence of a naturopathic care provider is that each person and each cancer is different which may require different natural medicine approaches.

It is well known that Chemotherapy has several negative impacts on cancer patient's health and it can even increase the recurrence of other types of cancer over the years. Natural medicine can also have a positive impact on that, helping the patient to have a better quality of life after a Chemotherapy treatment or even preventing the recurrence of other types of cancer.

For example, in 2014, an study presented by the Institute of Biometrics, Medical University Hannover, Germany, was performed to evaluate the benefits of complementary medicine in prostate cancer patients undergoing hormonal therapy.
Those 93 cancer patients were being treated under international guidelines and they were suffering from side-effects caused by the treatments, to reduce the side effects they were given natural treatments. Their symptoms were self-assessed and it was concluded that the complementary treatment helped the prostate cancer patients, reducing the severity of side-effects caused by hormonal therapy.

Another way that Naturopathy can help is providing important tips and advices in terms of Nutrition and lifestyle to the patient. Diet plays a very big role in cancer treatment and small changes can make a big difference. The information available can be very confusing and misleading, the Naturopath can help you to balance your diet and can give you important tips that will guide you and help you to achieve the best health and well-being.


Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Culture gap - jupiter Chiron

Jupiter and Chiron have met on a giant cloud over Mount Olympus, home of the gods.  They are watching events on Earth.
Chiron: (pointing) Hey, Jupiter, you see that little human over there?
Jupiter: You mean the one with all the intolerance?
Chiron: Yeah, that one over there, surrounded by people different from himself.
Jupiter: Not too happy, is he?
Chiron: No.  Shall we?
Jupiter: Of course!
They link arms, then disappear in a puff of smoke, reappearing near the human in question. 
Everyman: Wha–?  Who the hell are you?
Jupiter: Different from you, apparently.
Chiron: Yep, it seems that everyone is different from you.  Don’t you ever get lonely?
Everyman: I don’t know what you mean, but I do know you aren’t from around here.  So here’s the point-end of my gun.  Go back where you came from, before I shoot!
Jupiter sticks out one finger, plugs up the end of the gun.  Everyman shoots and the bullet is stopped by Jupiter’s finger.  Everyman looks at his gun, dumbfounded.
Jupiter: You see, there’s really no need for this.
Everyman: Now you’re making me mad!
He gets out a bigger gun, but before he can use it, Chiron suddenly grows very large and picks him up by the collar, shaking him until he drops all weapons.  Several fall from his clothing and clatter to the ground.
Chiron: Silly human!  When will you learn?
Jupiter: Intolerance will get you nowhere.
Everyman: (choking a little) You don’t understand!  They are going to kill us!  They won’t let us just be—so we have to get them first.  It’s the way of the world.  If we don’t protect our way of life we’ll lose it.
Jupiter: But if you keep fighting, you’ll lose your life anyway.  And who will be left around to continue the culture you’ve built?  Why are you fighting anyway?  Who is the real enemy here?
Everyman is still dangling from Chiron’s grip.  Chiron drops him suddenly.
Chiron: (shaking his head) I can’t make you tolerant.  But I can show you what’s possible.
He picks up a rock and breathes on it.  The rocks clarifies, becomes like a pool.  In the rock, pictures begin to appear.  Everyman becomes fascinated and steps closer. 
Jupiter: What do you see?
Everyman: I see my people, fighting our neighbors, as we’ve always done.  So many dead, so much territory changing hands over so many years.
Chiron: Do you want your children to die for this?
Everyman: I, um, I don’t know.  I want our way of life to continue.  I’m not giving up our ways!
Jupiter: What if you didn’t have to?
Everyman: I don’t want my daughter to marry one of them!
Chiron: I understand, but what if your battle is over?  What if no one is right and no one is wrong?
Jupiter: What if you could spend your days in building up your culture instead of tearing down theirs?
Chiron: And what if their culture contains some hidden key, some mystery that can unlock something in yours—wouldn’t you want access to that?
Everyman: (grudgingly) Maybe.
Jupiter: You’re a hard case.
Everyman: Yeah.  I’m not budging.
Jupiter: (to Chiron) He doesn’t seem to have any clue that he’s not unique in his intolerance.  It’s as if he really believes his culture is superior.  This is useless.
Chiron: (to Jupiter) I think it’s time to visit the one we really came here to see.
They turn their back on Everyman and walk into a nearby house.  There, seated on the floor, is an 8-year-old of indeterminate race, who looks up in surprise. 
Jupiter: Hi there!
Child: Whoa!  You have got to be deities!
Chiron: You guessed it.  Can’t fool you for a minute, can we?
Child: Nope.
Jupiter: Bit of a mess out there, isn’t it?  He points outside with his thumb.
Child: No kidding!  Everybody’s killing each other all the time.  They killed my dad because he’s not like them.  They shun my mom too.  Did you come to fix it?
Chiron: No, we came to do something better.  We came to help you fix it.
Child: No way!  That’s not better—that’s worse.
Jupiter: Yeah, it wasn’t my idea, it was Chiron’s.  Blame him.
Chiron: You were born to be a bridge between the two cultures you came from.
Child: Don’t be an idiot.  How am I supposed to do that?
Jupiter: Because you want to be whole.  Because you have two sides and yet you are one person.  Until you completely own and accept both sides of you, this war will continue.  Make friends with both sides and you make yourself whole.
Child: That sounds hard.  I don’t know where to start.
Chiron: Start wherever you are.  Find the places that are broken in you and make them whole.  Gather people who are different together and get them talking about what makes them the same.  Help them learn from each other.  This will make you whole and it will save the world you live in.
Jupiter and Chiron begin to go up in a puff of swirling smoke. 
Child: Don’t go!  I can’t do this alone.
Chiron: You won’t really be alone.  We’ll be behind you the whole way.
Jupiter: You can do it.  It is your gift to the world.  And you have your whole life to do it in.